Outdoor Gear Care

When it comes to outdoor gear care, there is no size fit all… there are many variables that will shorten your gear’s life span, and these variables are too impacted by many factors such as: The type of gear you have The year they were manufactured The manufacturing material The place you store them in […]
Kayaking at Abu Dhabi’s Mangrove

Kayaking at the heart of Abu Dhabi hidden mangrove is an incredible experience. I love Abu Dhabi, I believe it has this social element to it that attracts me to its city space. And another reason to love Abu Dhabi is its beautiful mangrove plantations. I have kayaked in Abu Dhabi’s mangrove twice already, and […]
Kayaking at Hatta Dam

Kayaking at Hatta dam has always been my short weekend getaway, especially whenever I have visitors over. Hatta dam is not only scenic, and a great place for safe Kayaking, but also a great drive to reach there. This mountainous road is definitely one of the most beautiful drives in the UAE, it is indeed […]
Kayaking at UAE’s remote islands

UPDATE: May 24, 2020 Not the best update, a favorite kayaking and camping spot of mine in the area is transformed into a construction site. There are not many details but these pictures that I have received What used to be a mangrove shore. Kayaking in the UAE will be a whole different experience after […]
Stairway to Heaven hike with a twist

Having hiked Stairway to Heaven UAE-Oman couple of times, I wanted to add a twist to make it more challenging. So I decided to carry my mountain bike all the way up the hike and mountain bike the descent from the other side. So I did. On the 11th of December, 2015, I carried my bike (weights approx. […]
Khasab, A Disruptive Adventure

Get to know Khasab-Oman, how to get there, what to do in the area and how to experience a great adventure.